Rave Reviews
“Thank you for making our series of Legislative Appreciation dinners an overwhelming success. Your intriguing sleight of hand, intelligent humor, and magnetic crowd presence made each evening unforgettable for our guest. I look forward to extending another invitation for you to join us at The Governor’s Mansion.”
Maurice Perron – The Governor’s Mansion |

“On behalf of the Armed Forces Entertainment Office I’d like to extend our sincere appreciation for the outstanding entertainment you provided for our troops during your USO tour. The accolades received by the host installations confirm your commitment and dedication to ensuring the success of our mission “providing quality entertainment to our troops stationed overseas. Without doubt, the hundreds of troops and family members greatly enjoyed and appreciated the shows.”
Janice G. Long – Colonel United States Air Force
Janice G. Long – Colonel United States Air Force

“Eric has a wonderful personality and his talent is nothing less than astonishing! He greatly exceeded our expectations. We could not have asked for a better entertainer. Eric is professional and dynamic! He enhances any event, as he can easily draw and captivate an audience.”
Felice M. Jones – National Footballs League Players Incorporated
Felice M. Jones – National Footballs League Players Incorporated

“I must admit that when I told some of my colleagues here, at Halldale Publishing, that I was going to fly this guy named Eric Anderson from Atlanta to London to speak at our conference, they all thought I was crazy! Now that they have seen you in action they all agree that it was worth every penny.” Stephen Marston – Sales & Marketing Director Halldale Publishing

“Without you, we would have never been able to create such an entertaining atmosphere. Your show definitely brought comfort and laughter that literally “fired” up our crowd.”
Steve Bales – Director United Way

“You blend magic and humor in a way that keeps everyone laughing, while sitting wide eyed on the edge of their seats. You were indeed a hit! We still can’t figure out how you did it. You delighted and amazed us, and it was a pleasure to have you at our dinner.”
G.F. (Trip) Agerton – President Operator Services AT&T

“Very rarely am I impressed with a stage performance as I was watching you. Your presentation to detail is obvious. The response I had; you are the professionals professional and deserve to be well compensated for what you do.”
Joe Heckstall – House of Representative “

“It's no easy task astonishing a room full of meeting attendees, especially at 9:10 am, in the morning but you did! I can guarantee you that no one in attendance will forget your last trick. No one believes me when I tell them the story. If someone hasn’t seen what I talking about, it is worth the price of admission and them some.”
Josh Hanson Executive Director, Business Products Council Association
Josh Hanson Executive Director, Business Products Council Association

"It was delightful to watch the response of audience members, who alternately laughed, “oohhed and aahhed,” and puzzled over Eric’s methods. Everyone present reported that they thoroughly enjoyed the show. In fact, the show was such a success, that we are looking for reasons to have Eric amaze and impress another group and are planning an event next spring. It may well become an annual event for our organization. Hence, I heartily recommend Eric Anderson to you and predict you too will be astonished and surprised!”
Jane Hudson – Mentor Network

“I just had to write again to thank you for the most interesting and amazing performance many of us have ever seen!”
Douglas L. mead – Executive Director Georgia AGAPE

“Our mouths were open the entire time from amazement and laugher! He is a great entertainer. I’ve been told by many of my associates that this was the best
event they have ever attended” Nana A. Janis, Schweitzer – Mauduit

“Eric has performed for several of our corporate events to the delight and amazement of all in attendance. His performances were great additions to all of our special events. Eric has also worked for us at several trade conferences, pulling the largest crowds to our booth we have ever seen. I am sure he has made a significant contribution to the growth and success of our firm over the past two years. We will continue to use Eric for sales events and hospitality occasions whenever possible.” Bob Kadrie – CEO Point of Vision

“Wow, your presentation at our annual event was truly amazing! I think you could tell by the audience reaction, they enjoyed your show tremendously. I can’t tell you how many people told me that your show was the best we have had in our nine year history. We aren’t sure what we are going to do to top your show next year.”
Deb Mulch – Executive Director Burlington Iowa YWCA

“On behalf of the Newsprint & Directory Division management team and all the Bowater attendees, I would like to thank you for one of the most entertaining evenings we have ever had at a Bowater event! The value your show added to our program was tremendous, as people were talking about you for days – and still trying to figure things out! Your talent sense of humor, and professionalism are outstanding! Even our most hyper hyperactive executives were mesmerized by the entire evening and that speaks for itself.”
Paula W. Overstreet – Bowater
Paula W. Overstreet – Bowater

“Eric presented his magical expertise to the delight of our clients at IBM. His personality and sleight – of – hand genius really added to the event. He mystified and entertained everyone!”
Greg Frohna - Marriott
Greg Frohna - Marriott

“Eric Anderson brings magic to another level. His performance is enlightening and inspirational. It is so refreshing to meet such a humble and yet very talented individual. I highly recommend Eric for any venue. Not only have I had the pleasure of his performance, I feel I can say I have also made a new friend.”
Larry Taylor – Past President I.B.M Ring 324
Larry Taylor – Past President I.B.M Ring 324
“I want to thank you for your amazing ability, outstanding performances and exceedingly personable manner. You have helped us produce great events. Every client we have ever sent you to has been extremely enthusiastic in their praise for you and your performances. We enjoy working with you and hope to do lots more events with you in years to come.” Lee Goldsmith – JFF Productions, Inc.
“Eric, thank you for superb professionalism. I truly appreciated your many follow-up phone calls and your continuous attention to detail. It was nice to be working with someone I felt was a true member of our event team. Your magic and illusions were simply sensational and we can be sure our guest left still analyzing and trying to figure out just how you work your wonders!”
Betsy Wynn - President Wynn & Wynn Event Group
Betsy Wynn - President Wynn & Wynn Event Group
“Your presentation was much more than a magic show. You imparted wisdom and heart warming inspiration to all of us through your message of hope, faith and perseverance. Those who attended our conference have repeatedly requested to have you speak and perform again at our future events.”
Nina L. Gilbert – Turning Points Educational Services, Inc.
Nina L. Gilbert – Turning Points Educational Services, Inc.